Implementation of a Software as a Service in Humangext

  • Catarina Reynaud Pinto de Jesus (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This dissertation had the purpose to understand the viability and feasibility of implementing a Software as a Service that includes all the company’s solutions in Humangext, a Portuguese B2B Human Resources services provider. To assess its attractiveness to the current company’s clients, several interviews were conducted to understand their perception of the product. From an external point of view, the economic sector in which Humangext belongs to was examined to better understand the context, a benchmarking of some Portuguese HR services providers was collected, and to complement this, interviews to some of Humangext’s competitors were executed. As this thesis is based on a Consulting Project for the mentioned enterprise, weekly meetings with a Humangext employee were hold, which allowed to obtain real insights and to perceive the expected advantages of introducing the software in the organization. The main findings achieved through this study reflect that regarding market positioning, Humangext possesses a competitive advantage against its selected competitors due to its differentiated services, and in relation to their HR software. Concerning the potential customers for the service, Humangext’s current clients consider it to be attractive and identify possible benefits from its use. Thus, this combination of conclusions can be seen as a positive sign for Humangext to implement the SaaS following some recommendations based on Digital Product rules, so that the introduction of the product succeeds.
Date of Award26 Jan 2022
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorRute Xavier (Supervisor)


  • Competitive advantage
  • Human resources
  • Software
  • SaaS


  • Mestrado em Gestão e Administração de Empresas

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