Incidente crítico
: desgaste das relações profissionais

  • Marília da Conceição Costa Loureiro (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This work intends to question why the evaluation, being both an institutional necessity and of its workers towards their own regulation and improvement, provokes conflict and shock. It begins by a thought over the professional trajectory itself, continuing with the specificity of the role of the evaluator in the areas of teacher’s performance and auto evaluation of the school. Elapsing from this reflection about what we have achieved, we reflect over two very important moments to elect the evaluation as a study object- critical incidents – auto evaluation of the school and the evaluation of the teacher performance. Finding the practical basis, it was developed a conceptual approach taking care of the perspective over the evaluation concepts, in the teacher’s development, the school’s auto-evaluation and supervision. Entering the role of the evaluator, the search continues within the determinants so that the function of the evaluator is understood and becomes an asset to himself and others, approaching such themes as emotional intelligence, empathy and communication. Methodologically, we apply the qualitative investigations, in this sense, it was given more emphasis to observation (and reflection over the actions), as it is the basis of registries and interferences, sustain the analysis versus reflection as educational training that confirm us the complexity of the theme and point us some possible guide lines to develop and to achieve the knowledge as a strategy for our professional and personal development. The obtained result from the elaboration of this work will integrate the sub-sequential practices.
Date of AwardSept 2012
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorCristina Palmeirão (Supervisor)


  • Evaluation
  • Auto evaluation
  • Knowledge
  • Development
  • Performance
  • Incident
  • Process
  • Reflection
  • Supervision/oversight


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação

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