Influência das estratégias de pricing na escolha dos consumidores
: análise às grandes superfícies generalistas e lojas discount

  • Vânia Patrícia Neves Pires (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


In a time when competition between supermarkets is constant, where market players invest heavily to achieve loyalty and have a greater number of customers and where consumers seek the best discounts and promotions, it’s important to realize what influence the pricing strategies adopted by players have in consumers choices. The objective of this research is to analyze what impact the pricing strategies adopted by players in the retail industry has, in the choices of consumers. It should be noted that in this study, even though we talk in general stores, we confine ourselves only to large general surfaces (supermarkets and hypermarkets) and discount stores. For this, we conducted an online survey, which aims to find the reason why consumers opt for a shopping center, to the detriment of another. This questionnaire was circulated by e-mail and Facebook, over a time period between February 19, 2016 and March 03, 2016, with a sample of 176 participants, where only 128 were considered valid. After the online survey analysis, we conclude that pricing strategies are not the most effective tools, with the exception of direct discounts and low prices, in influencing customer choice and behaviour.
Date of Award7 Nov 2016
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorCarlos Manuel Ferreira dos Santos (Supervisor)


  • Pricing strategies
  • Consumer choice
  • Wide distribution in Portugal


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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