Influência dos estilos educativos parentais e dos estereótipos de género na decisão vocacional de alunos no ensino secundário

  • Rita Silva Azevedo Moreira (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The present study investigates the relationship between parental educational styles,gender stereotypes and vocational decision in high school students from scientific-humanisticcourses.In this sense, in order to receive data, it was used in the Revised Parental EducationalStyles Questionnaire - Q.E.E.P.-r. (Ducharne et al., 2006 adapted by Cruz et al., 2018) to assessparenting educational styles, and the career decision scale Career Decision Scale (Osipow etal., 1979 adapted by Taveira, 1997); also, a sociodemographic questionnaire, built for thispurpose.The study sample is composed of 71 participants, 47 girls and 24 boys aged between 15and 18, attending the 10th, 11th and 12th grades. Data were collected in a school institutionbelonging to the municipality of Braga.Thus, analyzing the results, it was not possible to prove the existence of a statisticallysignificant relationship between the vocational decision and parental educational styles, norbetween the vocational decision and gender stereotypes.Regarding to parenting styles, there was no statistically significant correlation withgender or age.With regard to gender stereotypes, a negative and statistically significant correlation was found at the gender level.Regarding the vocational decision, there was a positive and statistically significant correlation between the mother's educational qualifications and the vocational decision, and a negative and statistically significant correlation between the mother's educational qualifications and vocational indecision. On the opposite side, no correlation was found between the vocational decision and gender, nor with the father's educational qualifications.
Date of Award3 Mar 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorÂngela Azevedo (Supervisor)


  • Parenting educational styles
  • Gender stereotypes
  • Vocational choice
  • High school


  • Mestrado em Psicologia da Educação

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