The research is based on the collection of information about the profession of ILGP (Portuguese Sign Language Interpreter). ILGP is considered to be the professionalwho bridges the gap between the deaf and the hearing community and he/she can act invarious contexts. But what is their story? It is intended, with this study, to make ahistorical balance regarding the origin and evolution of the ILGP bearing in mind thefollowing parameters: motivation, education, legislation, working conditions, career andintervention. This work presents the research between the past and the present with aview to the future, with theoretical references, but also with the application of surveys/interviews to ILGP with professional experience.The fact that Associations for deaf people take initiatives in promoting vocationalcourses and also experiences in other countries, allowed new learning processes. Theopening of higher education courses in Translation and Interpretation of LGP (PortugueseSign Language), namely, Setúbal, Porto and Coimbra, enabled new generations to applyfor this type of academic training.Higher School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal opened itsILGP training course in 1997. It is, therefore, the oldest institution to educateprofessionals in this area.The ILGP profession is challenging, but also rewarding, in which you have tolove the job, to keep up-to-date and informed. The contact with the deaf community isessential, as it is learning among colleagues. The respect for what you do and for the otherare things to consider. Similarly, every performance by the ILGP is of greatresponsibility, but there will certainly be greater difficulty in areas in which terminologyis very specific or there is no preparation time.Although most professionals work in the school context, higher education, forexample, still has gaps regarding the hiring of ILGP. Most public services continue to beproblematic as they do not have a permanent ILGP yet, as it is the case of medical servicessuch as hospitals and health centers.The Law of 89/99, July 5th, is the only existing law regarding the ILGP profession,which regulates the exercise of the profession. With twenty years of publication, a newmore detailed regulation is urgent, with situations that were not foreseen at the time.As for the Code of Ethics and Conduct of the Portuguese Sign LanguageInterpreter, the first document was created in 1991 by AILGP (Association for thePortuguese Sign Language Interpreter). The aim was to better specify certain contexts inwhich ILGP is present, for example, educational or media contexts. In 2012, the ANAPILG (National and Professional Association of Interpretation – Sign Language) prepared the first review, followed by others.There are associations, already mentioned, that represent these professionals.With a cooperation and active voice among the whole deaf community, it is possible to achieve greater equality of rights and greater visibility for all users of this language.The ILGP works daily with a living language, thus requiring effort and appreciation, both professional and personal. As for the future, the union of all professionals, whose scope will be to improve working conditions and respect for the profession.
Date of Award | 14 Oct 2021 |
Original language | Portuguese |
Awarding Institution | - Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Supervisor | Maria José Freire (Co-Supervisor) & Ana Mineiro (Supervisor) |
- Portuguese Sign Language Interpreter
- History
- Motivation
- Formation
- Legislation
- Work conditions
- Intervention
- Professional appreciation
- Mestrado em Língua Gestual Portuguesa e Educação de Surdos
Intérpretes de Língua Gestual Portuguesa: origem e evolução : motivação, formação, legislação, condições de trabalho, carreira e intervenção
Lourenço, V. D. C. S. (Student). 14 Oct 2021
Student thesis: Master's Thesis