Internet e redes sociais
: um estudo de caso com alunos

  • Carlos Alberto Tibúrcio Oliveira Silva (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


In the XXI century it is impossible not to talk about information technology and the way it is linked to the Internet. Society is constantly evolving and schools must be able to evolve at the same speed. We can´t forget that our students are digitally very skillful because they know how the new technologies work, while the teachers, who belong to another generation, have to adapt to this new reality. Due to this fact the teachers must try to follow the progress in technology so that they can use it correctly in the classroom. The emergence of Web 2.0. has changed the way people interact in the Internet and we have noticed that the dawning of the social networks has contributed tremendously to that. A few years back the Internet was used mainly for work purposes in public and private institutions. In the last 15 years or so we have seen/witnessed a dramatic increase in the use of the Internet, and today it is a part of the daily life of many people. Many people communicate today via email, skype or social networks. Today we live in a global world which contributes to the fact that our communications are mainly done using the Internet. Our youngsters can easily use the new technologies and they use them on a daily basis, for example they use social networking to be permanently linked to their friends and colleagues. In this work we reflect about the six years’ experience in teaching, as well as the way our students use the Internet in general and the social networks in particular. In order to do that we used a case study with 141 students in years 7, 8 and 9 studying at a school in Tomar. To understand the way the students use social networks we applied an online questionnaire. The collect data allow us to conclude that Facebook is the social network most used by these students and where they spend a considerable amount of time. We observed that 88% of the students have a social network account. 97% of these students have account on Facebook and 3% on Twitter. We can also conclude that 51% of the students access the social network daily. The duration of network usage found that 35% pass over two hours, 23% pass up to two hours and 26% pass up to one hour. Some of the students' favorite online activities is chatting with friends (92%) and playing online games (67%).
Date of Award2013
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorSónia Cruz (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Ensino de Informática

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