Intervenção de conservação e restauro de um retrato do século XIX
: a transparência nas entretelagens versus a utilização de suportes semirrígidos

  • Isaura da Conceição da Silva Almeida (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The study object of this dissertation is a portrait painting on canvas from Dona Ermelinda Cândida Leite Ferreira Monteiro. The painting is dated from 1976 and it is signed in the back for Sousa Júnior, although these inscriptions have remained hidden until the development of this conservation and restauration intervention. Its conservation status was decisive in the choice of the research subject, because the canvas was in a fragile state regarding support and the overpainting were widespread. Due to a cut around its perimeter, the work was poorly interfaced during another intervention, without performing the union of the cut parts in the original canvas. In order to hide the damage, were applied filling mass in an excessive manner and causing an alteration in the formal composition of the portrait. In the present intervention it was necessary to remove the interlining, to unite the separate parts, and relining. As the screen showed the signature of the painter and the execution date, a transparent relining option was necessary in order not to lose this important historical testimony. On the other hand the weakness of the original support imposed an increased structural reinforcement therefore was essential to combine stiffness to the transparency requirement. So this study has the end objective propose a structural treatment methodology, appropriated to the study canvas, after reviewing the materials and procedures applied to the transparent linings, It was herein described every stage of the conservation and restoration intervention and justified the choices made in accordance with the problems presented by the work. It was also reviewed the developments made in the recent past in field of study of transparent linings, and proposed a new approach, at the level of the resins used and for which were carried out a series of test pieces for trials. After completion of the test pieces, the resin with the best behavior in terms of aging, stiffness and transparency was chosen.
Date of Award14 Jul 2016
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorMaria Aguiar (Supervisor) & José Carlos Frade (Co-Supervisor)


  • Painting
  • Relining
  • Transparent
  • Epoxy resin


  • Mestrado em Conservação e Restauro de Bens Culturais

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