Intervenção urbana e cultura
: entre a intenção e o impacto: o caso do Largo do Intendente Pina Manique em Lisboa

  • Joana Isabel Barroso de Jesus Hortas (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The present dissertation reflects on the dynamics generated from an urban intervention that mobilizes culture for the rehabilitation of a socially and territorially segregated space. This intervention on Intendente square in Lisbon city, aimed at returning the place to the city and at ending the negative stigma that has characterized the place for long decades. A challenge that begun with the intervention plans for public space and the strategies destinated to help the residents, namely populations in risk situation. These first steps for the rehabilitation were articulated with a political commitment of the Lisbon Municipality and Arroios Administration. Nevertheless, it was the decisive contribution of cultural institutions and events that believed in the success of the rehabilitation of that place, promoting different activities and contacts with the communities that live in the neighborhood. In order to understand the renewed Intendente the dissertation reflects on theoretical information, analyzes former developed and implemented plans and strategies . This findings have been confronted with information collected on side, through observation, photography and interviews. It has also been useful to analyze information from social media, acknowledging the media attention that this change caused, as well as the more frequent positive references. The fieldwork and the news gathered led to the understanding of the new dynamics that grant the space a new centrality in town. Cultural programs offered and the new opened spaces attract other people and also help changing the image that today is very different from the begging of this rehabilitation process. Nevertheless, social problems and marginality situations did not vanish from the place entirely, but they became less visible and often live side by side with other users of Intendente. The success of this process, that started only five years ago, is quite visible in the space, however it is important to think the future of that space, where gentrification and tourist gentrification processes may be future challenges to consider.
Date of Award12 Jan 2017
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorPeter Hanenberg (Supervisor)


  • Urban intervention
  • Culture as a resource
  • Multiculturality
  • Urban rehabilitation
  • Social space


  • Mestrado em Estudos de Cultura

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