Intuição e juízo na obra Inteligencia y Logos de Xavier Zubiri

  • Daniel Nuno Oliveira Mineiro (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This study aims to give news of the intuition of reality. And therefore follow closely the philosophy Zubiri showing that reality is harvested through a inteleccionismo, which overlaps sensitivity and intelligence in one intuitive act. To this end, we begin with a philosophy of today, not the old paradigms judicativos or logicistas. Furthermore, we show that reality can only be harvested by others. For this reason, we will refer to the field reality, the respectividade, the transcendental, the talidad and re-update logoic, since without these contributions from reality would not be possible to outline the assumptions that a certain thing is true. In the second part, we introduce the notion of judgment that is based on intuition, and we will refer to how reality is affirmed in view of the role of the real thing already intuited. So, step by step show the need to return to reality already intuited to check through the forms and modes of affirmation, achievement or unfulfillment of hypotheses through the requirements of evidence. Without this route, would not be possible to reach the dual notion of truth pointed out by Zubiri.
Date of Award19 Feb 2014
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorCarlos Morujão (Supervisor)


  • Reality
  • Intuition
  • Judgement
  • Reality field


  • Mestrado em Filosofia

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