Liderança em contexto vulnerável
: aprender em escola aprendente

  • Maria Amélia da Ponte Pires Novo (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Finding a school with situations of conflict, I start with some records of my most significant experiences related to complaints, to be analysed, interpreted and projected for future action. Conflicts emerge that reveal a school with vulnerable structures, with management and communication handicaps, with questioned behaviours and pedagogical attitudes and objects of censorships by parents (or those who are responsible for the students’ school education) who speak out and complain, in most cases, in an anonymous or pseudonymous way, with fear of retaliations. Following these complaints arise higher administrative interventions and others at an internal level of school management. Dearly, the organs and management structures take consciousness of the discomfort that slowly lodges in its school. The solutions that are given or which are intended to be given to the problems and conflicts don’t arise because they’re not appropriate. There isn’t a true or real leadership that characterizes a school in a learning process. The elucidation of the facts and acts narrated open us to perspectives of a participated and shared school by actors/intervenients and co-workers who make of it a real and true educational structure. Therefore, from this elucidated analysis, it calls for a leadership in a school which is desired to be in a learning process: open to change, cooperative, with a reflexive culture and teamwork, in constant interaction in a bilateral process of dialogue between school-home, house-school, without negative interferences in the communication process either from the transmitter’s or receiver’s side. The future demands improvement with shared leadership and learning ability from the school, which will enable the positive and creative resolution of conflicts.
Date of Award2012
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJosé Matias Alves (Supervisor)


  • Conflict
  • Innovation
  • Change
  • Actors/intervenients
  • Co-workers
  • Team
  • Shared vision
  • Communication
  • Bilateral process
  • Improvement
  • School in a learning process
  • Leadership
  • Learning ability


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação

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