Location choice dilemma
: the internationalization of technology-based companies

  • Joana Silva Gomes (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Zaask is a Portuguese technology-based company (TBC) created in 2012, May. Its mission is to develop and promote an online marketplace for services and to be able to effectively match the clients’ demands with those of services providers. With growing and encouraging prospects in the domestic market and with promising expected returns from scale economies, inherent to TBCs, the company is planning to start its internationalization process. This work constitutes an attempt to address the three-step critical decision - why?, where? and how? – confronted by any company at the beginning of the process. The forthcoming main question for Zaask is related to the foreign market choice. This case study provides an overview of the company and tries to address the Zaask’s dilemma from a global perspective. In this context, this thesis will also provide support to a teaching case study within the subject of International Strategy. Therefore, this case study will conduct a strategic analysis of the Zaask’s internationalization strategy, identifying the relevant location choices variables, opportunities and threats of possible markets, among others.
Date of Award7 Feb 2014
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorNuno Cardeal (Supervisor)


  • Entrepreneurship
  • Location choice dilemma
  • Internationalization strategy
  • Technology-based companies
  • Start-ups


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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