Location of service providers
: optimal location of providers for AdvanceCare given their current partners and competition

  • Maria Margarida de Melo Rodrigues Galvão Teles (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This study was conducted based on a consulting project executed for AdvanceCare and presents an alternative to providers’ distribution model currently used by the company. AdvanceCare is responsible for the operational management of health insurance of several insurers. In the health sector, the proximity to the facilities has been pointed as a determining factor in the choice of consumers. In this context, it seems essential for the company to have a good planning of the location of its network’s providers. In order to meet the client’s interests, a sample with the 5 districts where AdvanceCare has a larger number of customers and the 4 specialties of the primary network was selected. Also, it was collected information regarding the networks of providers of three major competitors. With the data gathered, and contrary to the model currently used by AdvanceCare which defines municipalities as distribution units, a distribution model by CP4 areas (regions from the first 4 digits of postal codes) was constructed. The use of this model aims to ensure a greater proximity between clients and providers, and thus, to avoid some of the flaws of in the model currently implemented in the company. This thesis presents the statistical results of the model application to the selected sample, the advantages and limitations of the model and an estimate of the budget and negotiation strategies for its implementation. The model by CP4 can also be applied to other cases where the proximity between agents is a key factor in strategic planning activity.
Date of Award18 Oct 2016
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorRute Xavier (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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