Música, regulação emocional, comportamentos auto-lesivos e ideação suicida em jovens adultos

  • Ana Lúcia Martins Senise (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Youth is a complex phase of development in which young people must build themselves and itis from their cultural and social environment that they can extract references that help them notonly to better understand their emotional and existential experiences, but also to regulate them.In contemporary times, the existence of multiple subcultures, associated with certain ways offacing existence and society is predominant, together with the multiplicity of the musicalproductions that accompany these same subcultures. It is not surprising that such culturalphenomena shape behaviors and beliefs, depending on the relationship that each individualestablishes with their subcultures. It is from this reasoning that it becomes important to studythe interactions of the relationships of individuals with certain subcultures and ways ofexperiencing the reality that are proposed by music, which may come to relate to thedysfunctional and functional development of young people, in reference to greater or lesserpredominance of self-destructive behaviors and indicators of suicide. Following this logic, toverify the influence of subcultures and musical experiences on self-destructive behaviors andsuicide ideation, it was used a quantitative methodologic aprroach where were analyzed notonly musical variables, such as the time of musical listening, musical preference andidentification with a certain subculture, but also the emotional regulation of individuals. Thisinformation was obtained in a single evaluation of young adults between the ages of 18 and 35years (M=25.74 years, SD= 5.29 years), of both sexes, of portuguese nationality and who werestudying, working or unemployed.Parametric tests were used to compare the results of participants from independent samples(separately between individuals who identify with alternative subcultures and those who do notidentify themselves and between the sexes) in the different variables studied, through theviiiPortuguese versions of the Short Test on Musical Preference (STOMP-PT), the Regulation ofEmotion Questionnaire 2 (REQ2), and the Questionnaire of Impulse, Self-Damage and SuicidalIdeation in Adolescence (QIAIS). Parametric procedures were also performed to verify therelationships between the variables and their different predictive power for self-destructivebehaviors and suicidal ideation (separately for individuals who identify with alternativesubcultures and those who do not identify and also for the sexes). The results showed a higherrisk for self-destructive behaviors and suicidal ideation among young people who identify withalternative subcultures, particularly among women, pointing to the need of focusing on thispopulation, as well as pointed to the predictive power of certain musical genres for the presenceof self-destructive behaviors and suicidal ideation. Furthermore, the results pointed to a greatdifference in the manifestation of the phenomena according to the sex of the participants.However, the greatest predictor, regardless of sex or identification to a given subculture, wasthe dysfunctional emotional regulation, indicating the need to promote functional emotionalregulation on behalf that young people have positive experiences through their relations withmusic.
Date of Award25 Nov 2020
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorMarta Pedro (Supervisor)


  • Music
  • Subcultures
  • Emotional regulation
  • Self-destructive behaviors
  • Suicidal ideation


  • Mestrado em Psicologia

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