Management skills and strategy adaptation in a digital innovative remote co-working environment in banking service
: a success story or a lost opportunity?

  • Belinda Lourenço (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Companies have thrived with technological evolution throughout history and more specifically with Digital Innovation in the nearest future.Developing strategies and business in alignment with an ever more demanding client, focusing on costumer journey and full featured dedicated customer experience.Management skills which have been crucial for this engagement, are now being put into question in one of the most challenging endeavors ever.Going through a worldwide pandemic and having most of companies’ workforce change from a social shared workplace to an isolated home office environment, in an amazingly short period of time, create an unprecedent need to urgently look at management tools, processes, skills and policies.To help focus the study in hand, novobanco, a Portuguese Bank of reference, shall be used as the main support for the research investigation data collection, with statistical analysis based upon anonymous data, attained from various sources, namely, through surveys within different business and technical areas.
Date of Award24 Jan 2022
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorPedro Celeste (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Gestão Aplicada

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