Mapeamento de processos de cobrança de portagens
: caso de estudo

  • Beatriz Coelho de Sá da Silva Gomes (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


In a contingency environment, sustainability of an organization takes precedence over any other priority, in order to increase its efficiency by optimizing resources and processes. As Einstein mentioned, the important thing is not stop questioning, essential key to build and maintain a project focused on processes. This report aims to provide a detailed analysis of the Process Mapping Project of the Tolls Direction from Ascendi. The internship has been involved in the Technology, Processes and Toll Management service, and focused on the survey, evaluation and implementation of the improvement procedures, based on the Business Process Management (BPM) concept. The performed and descripted work consisted in the diagnosis, field interviews and consequent tasks design, preparation of supporting documentation and updating procedures map, which contribute to maximize the performance of management and standardize the organizational best practices, that gained visibility when they were validated by the Executive Committee and published in the company’s Procedures Manual. However, the implementation of this project faced some barriers, such as employees’ resistance to change, which suggests the enhancement and the support from the top management. This internship and this report proved to be a very enriching experience, because in addition to theoretical knowledge, it was possible to implement the processes, share the benefits of the process management, by keeping continuous improvement actions.
Date of Award7 Jul 2016
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorM. H. Correia (Supervisor) & Mafalda Cardoso da Costa (Co-Supervisor)


  • Process
  • Mapping
  • Continuous improvement


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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