Marketing de conteúdos em medicina dentária
: materiais desenvolvidos para o grupo Oralmed Saúde

  • Pedro Guilhermino Fernandes Gomes Correia (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Content marketing is extremely important in nowadays’ society, for professionals, brands and clients. However, its application to the field of dentistry, although useful, is still scarce. This project describes the creation of content marketing materials in the field of dentistry. Specifically, this work presents seven guides and five magazines, developed on paper and digital format, for the dentistry group OralMED Saúde. Anchored in an analysis of the direct competitors and in interviews with one hundred and twelve patients, this work intended to help shaping the group’s content marketing strategy. Developed materials and procedures, limitations of the project, and recommendations for future work are discussed considering existing literature and research on content marketing and health communication. This project thus provides a contribute to content marketing in the field of dentistry.
Date of Award26 Mar 2021
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorCarla Ganito (Supervisor)


  • Content marketing
  • Health communication
  • Dentistry


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação

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