Masculinidades e violência sexual em ambientes recreativos noturnos
: uma análise comparativa entre a geração Y e Z

  • Henrique Nuno de Jesus Nunes de Azevedo (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This study is based on the answers to an online questionnaire and aims to analyze the beliefs related to the perception of masculinity in men in two different generations (Y and Z), to analyze the extent to which the adherence to norms of hegemonic masculinity contributes to the practice of sexual violence in Nightlife Environments (NE). It will compare the answers given by individuals from two different generations (Y and Z). A gender analysis for the generations under study will also be carried out, comparing the responses given between those respondents who self-identify as men and women. The sample consists of 312 participants, 69 of which are men and 243 are women. Ages range from 19 to 42 years of age with a mean of 26.9 years. Using statistical analyzes, statistically significant differences between groups are compared and highlighted. The results demonstrate differences between the number of men who engage in dynamics of sexual violence in NE compared to the number of women, as well as differences in the beliefs related to sexual violence that can be attributed to intergenerational and/or gender differences. This study’s aims to provide a contribution for the understanding of sexual violence in social contexts, particularly in NE. It is expected that the main research findings inform politics and practices to support safer and egalitarian social and nighttime leisure experiences.
Date of Award7 Dec 2021
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorCristiana Vale Pires (Supervisor) & Filipa Sobral (Co-Supervisor)


  • Sexual violence
  • Generation
  • Nightlife environments
  • Gender analysis


  • Mestrado em Psicologia

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