Match fixing
: uma resposta penal num tempo de novos desafios

  • Francisco da Silva Prata (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


In this dissertation we propose to study the theme of Match Fixing, approaching it from a dogmatic point of view and demonstrating the interconnections between Sports Law and Criminal Law, two distant realities, but with an increasingly symbiotic relationship. At the same time, we will address the various doctrinal definitions of ethics and fair play, framing Match Fixing as a reality that violates this, demonstrating the imperative of its protection to ensure the important sociocultural role of Sport. We will also study the topic of Doping, which due to character limitations will not be as in-depth, focusing our study on an analysis of the legal interest affecting it, revealing from the outset that it is another reality that threatens sporting ethics. We will therefore put our focus on Match Fixing, with an analysis of national legislation, namely Law 50/2007 to delve deeper into the crimes in which this can be substantiated. However, we will not fail to deepen European legislation as an essential vector in the fight against Match Fixing, with a special focus on the Magglingen/Macolin Convention. We will assist in the analysis of Match Fixing using recent cases, to allow understanding of this issue that is increasingly present in the sporting reality. Finally, we will turn to Comparative Law to understand the European legislative framework in which Portugal finds itself and which will be fundamental to conclude the state of Portuguese legislation.
Date of Award22 Jul 2024
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJosé Damião da Cunha (Supervisor)


  • Match fixing
  • Ethics
  • Sports law
  • Criminal legal modalities
  • Law nº50/2007


  • Mestrado em Direito

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