Melhoria da qualidade de serviço na AXA

  • Ana Catarina Areias da Costa (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The main objective of this study was to identify the possibilities of improving the process in the labour compensation Department at the insurance company AXA in Portugal. In conjunction with the process of identifying the opportunities of improvement, on analysis of complaints was drawn up in order to better identify both the cause and the origin of the number of irregulations and possible improvements. The purpose of this project is to improve the quality of the service which is given to the client, often the occurrence of an accident at work. Further motivation has come about due to the necessity of improvements in the processes, as well as standardization and normalization in procedures as better use of the resources. As part of the programme for constant improvements of the procedures, this project started with the analysis of the initial situation, in order to identify possible improvements. This analysis was based on the observation of the labour compensation Department, interviews and consultation of internal documents. The high number of duties associated to each worker and insufficient number of workers, the lack of standardization in carrying out the duties, the lack of adequate normalization, the lack of control of the current status of the claims processes and the lack of planning the duties to be carried out, caused the solution of the accidents at work to be slow and inefficient. In order to improve all of these weak points which were diagnosed, throughout the training operational guides were carried out a reorganization of the process was suggested, as well as the introduction of control papers and the planning of the weekly duties to be carried out by each worker. This change wick allow a more rapid and efficient response to the client’s needs. An analysis of the client’s complaints helped to confirm the need for improvements. The large amount of information was divided into different types of causes, which allowed us to conclude that the highest numbers of complaints are related to payments. On the other hand, 57% of the complaints which are due to payments occur during the month of January, as a consequence of the Ministry of Finance, falling behind in giving out updated information on the taxes related to pensions.
Date of Award12 Sept 2014
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorRui Sousa (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Gestão de Serviços

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