Memória e legado das lanifícias dos distritos de Aveiro, Braga e Porto (séculos XIX - XXI)
: proposta metodológica multidisciplinar de estudo e gestão integral do património industrial

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


The woollen industry has closely followed the different historical stages of production and technology development. In Portugal, this reality was also pronounced. However, the geographical spread of the Portuguese woollen industry is not uniform. The pre-industrial and industrial development centres of this sector were historically localized in the central regions of Beiras and Alto Alentejo, namely the districts of Guarda, Castelo Branco and Portalegre, with a later expansion towards the coast, in Lisbon and Setubal. Thus, the regions of Central North and North of Portugal do not have a substantial historical woollen tradition. However, there were woollen mills in the North that marked, even in a sense of technological development, this sector of the Portuguese early industry. This is the case, for example, of the Lordelo do Ouro woollen mill, in Porto, the first mill to have mechanized carding and spinning in Portugal, as early as 1808. Seeking to recover the historical and material memory of the woollen mills in the districts of Aveiro, Porto and Braga, we undertook this study, having as a starting point the 19th-century industrial surveys, that show us the reference of five mills in the region: Oliveira de Azeméis, Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto, Amarante and Vila Nova de Famalicão. Of all these mills, only two were known (Porto and Amarante), the rest were considered lost. Through an interdisciplinary approach, integrating technologies of digital geographic information systems, and archaeological and historiographical methodologies, it was possible for us to locate and identify each of the structures and understand their processes of implantation, growth and decline, their technological and cultural specificities. As well as their impacts on the landscape and their human legacy, between work and migration, technology transfers and capital itself. Starting from each of these examples, we seek to continue a process of reflection on heritage values and selection, their management and valuation within the local communities.
Date of Award6 Jan 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SponsorsFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
SupervisorEduarda Vieira (Supervisor) & Juan Manuel Cano Sanchiz (Co-Supervisor)


  • Woollen industry
  • Archaeology of industrialization
  • Documentary archaeology
  • Heritage managing
  • HOPHGeo (Historic Orthophotography Georeference)


  • Doutoramento em Arte e Património

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