Metodologias de avaliação de soft skills
: estudo de caso numa empresa de consultoria

  • Maria Sofia de Paula Pinto Fleming Torrinha (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Objective: the following study means to understand and analyse the methodological approaches to the evaluation of soft skills implement in X company. Methodology/approach: for the development of the following study, there was a qualitative analysis, using interview techniques as well as observation and participant. Results: the results obtained in this study show the relevance of the participants' perspectives in the improvement of the techniques used by company X to observe and analyse the soft skills required by its business clients, especially through: the improvement of practices already used and the implementation of new ones; and the promotion of learning plans for consultants regarding the importance of the evaluation of soft skills and the proper ways to do it.
Date of Award14 Jul 2017
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorCamilo Valverde (Supervisor)


  • Soft Skills evaluation
  • Consultancy company case study
  • Recruitment and Selection of middle and higher positions


  • Mestrado em Economia Empresarial

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