Microgeração fotovoltaica
: análise da viabilidade técnico-económica

  • Antoni Roger Pereira Sequeira, (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This report regards a training placement that took place at the company Self Energy SA, as a requirement of the MSc program in Environmental Engineering at Escola Superior de Biotecnologia - UCP. The climate changes that are felt worldwide, led to an increased awareness by governments and general population of the environmental problems. It is important to implement changes toward alternative energy sources. In this context, there has been an incitement for exploring renewable energies, such as the solar energy, via e.g. photovoltaic microgeneration. As Portugal has one of the highest solar incidences within Europe, photovoltaic technology represents a growing national interest. This report presents technical analyses of photovoltaic microgeneration installations with connection to the Public Electric Grid, based on real cases. Fixed and tracker systems were considered in this study. Simulations of power generation for both types of systems were carried out, considering different locations in Portugal (North, Lisbon area and South). Significant differences were found between the North and the South of the country. Based on the assumptions of a connection to the Public Grid of 3.68 kW nominal power and access to the subsidized tariff regimen stipulated by legislation, the respective economic analyses were performed. These showed positive results, with average payback periods of 7.3 and 6.7 years for the fixed and the tracker system, respectively. These cases show that photovoltaic microgeneration systems represent a business opportunity for companies and private homeowners. They contribute to a vision of a sustainable future and are part of a correct environmental policy.
Date of AwardMay 2012
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorPedro Manuel Pereira Fonseca Santos (Supervisor) & João Paulo Medeiros Ferreira (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Engenharia do Ambiente

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