Migração de componentes de tintas de impressão de rótulos e cintas de papel para bolos

  • Milena da Costa Pinto (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This work was proposed by the company CSM Iberia and the main objective is to evaluate the safety of paper wrap bands used for baked products, ie, by collecting information and testing, to verify the compliance of the bands with the food safety legislation. CSM aims to find a paper band for the rice cake and other products “100% safe”. Initially, it was carried out a literature survey and a compilation of all the information of all paper wraps bands and bases used by the company. Chemical analyses were performed to screen the presence of potential migrants and contaminants in paper wrap bands and bases. Di(2-ethilhexil)adipate (DEHA) was detected in the samples Plop and Simpson's. The concentration of DEHA in Simpson's wrap band, was 0,0131 mg DEHA/wrap band corresponding to 1,89 mg DEHA / kg cake if total migration is assumed. This value is below the SML (18 mg/kg) established by Regulation No 10/2011. Physical tests were also performed, including thickness, grammar, tensile strength and water absorption. The wrap bands of CSM presented a grammar between 62.5 and 64.4 g/m2 and the base 65,1 g/m2. It also presented a burst strength higher than the wrap band of Inocentro Company, used as comparison, thus indicating good resistance when handled by operators of the company. In the water absorption test, the CSM wrap band showed results with high variability, probably due to non-uniform coating. Scanning Electronic Microscope (SEM) analyses were also performed showing no significant differences in the structure of the fibers before and after baking the cake. Finally, migration tests were performed for four types of benzophenones, in order to verify differences in the kinetics of migration of these compounds in matrices such as Rice Cake and Tenax®. The two matrices presented significant different results and the Tenax® presented the results closer than expected.
Date of Award2014
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorMaria de Fátima Poças (Supervisor) & Cidália Osório (Co-Supervisor)


  • Paper wrap band
  • Bakery products
  • Migration
  • Benzophenones


  • Mestrado em Engenharia Alimentar

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