Modelos DEA na análise da performance macroeconómica
: o impacto da performance macroeconómica no IDE

  • Jorge Miguel da Costa Machado (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This report was developed with the objective of creating a method for evaluating the macroeconomic performance that would allow to study in which way this may influence the foreign direct investment (FDI) in EU countries. The first stage of this work was the accomplishment of a preliminary study about macroeconomic performance that allowed to verify how to carry this evaluation and which factors to take in consideration in its accomplishment. This allowed to conclude not only what type of data to use, but also, to propose a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model to develop a composite indicator (CI), of macroeconomic performance. Data were then collected according to categories considered essential to the performance analysis of the studied countries (Economy, Health, Education, Technology and Innovation, Environment, Bureaucracies and Society), which were properly processed and aggregated into a CI. The processing of the collected information according to the defined DEA model allowed to obtain the performance of the studied countries. The analysis and the evaluation of these results allowed to verify how these were related to the FDI. Countries with higher and lower performance were identified and analysed how their performance is relate to de FDI. The results show a possible link between these two variables, yet this conclusion was not consistent. However, this may be due the technical limitations encountered throughout the study and has so further studies on the subject are advised.
Date of Award4 Jul 2017
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorMaria Silva (Supervisor)


  • Macroeconomic performance
  • DEA models
  • Composite indicators
  • Foreign direct investment


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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