Monitorização da dor na pessoa em situação crítica com alterações na comunicação

Translated title of the thesis: Monitoring pain in critical person with changes in communication
  • Rita Veloso Alves (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The present report comes within the scope of the Master's course in the area of Medical and Surgical Nursing in the Person in a Critical Situation and intends to share the activities and competences acquired through the critical and reflexive analysis of them. This course was conducted in two different contexts. The first stage was carried out in an Emergency Department and the second in a Multipurpose Intensive Care Unit, both in a hospital located on the outskirts of Lisbon. The objectives for both contexts were the development of scientific, technical, ethical and relational skills for the provision of specialized nursing care to the person in critical situation and family and to contribute to the improvement of the quality of nursing care through differentiated management of pain and comfort of the person in critical condition. Pain is a symptom that accompanies most pathological situations requiring health care and, as such, the person in a critical situation is no exception (DGS, 2003). It is one of the worst memories and experiences and can have consequences such as a delay in recovery, jeopardizing the quality of life of the person, as well as increasing the mortality rate (Rafiei, Ghadami, Irajpour & Feizi, 2016). As such, pain in the person in a critical situation has assumed a central theme throughout my career and is represented in the first chapter of this report, through the Integrative Review of Literature, on "Indicators in Monitoring Pain in the Person in a Critical Situation". Thus, this report aims to demonstrate the path taken, which made it possible to experience and acquire decisive knowledge in the development of essential skills for a specialist nurse in medical-surgical nursing, in the field of nursing in the person in a critical situation.
Date of Award19 Jan 2021
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorRita Marques (Supervisor)


  • Critical person
  • Specialized nursing care
  • Pain monitoring


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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