Multiculturalismo e desempenho escolar no ensino profissional
: um estudo de caso

  • Cidália Maria Capela de Sousa (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This dissertation seeks to study the general issue of multiculturalism that we assist to in private vocational schools and its relation with the students’ academic performance; also it aims to help schools and teachers in vocational courses to build better and higher quality answers so that all students learn, once learning is the greatest factor for inclusion. Being distant and indisputable the connection established between Portugal and the African Countries of Portuguese Official Language (PALOP) and scarce the existence of studies to try to know how young people from PALOP construct representations of identity in everyday experiences and how they lead their academic performance makes this study relevant. The aim of this research is to understand the differences in academic performance that may exist. If are there any, and why? And what factors may enhance their overcoming. Stated the goal, it was made a qualitative research focused on a case study conducted at Amar Terra Verde Vocational School (EPATV), based in Vila Verde, and on its delegation of Amares, in the district of Braga, involving two groups of five young students, being one a group of Mozambican students and the other a group of Portuguese students from the municipalities of Amares and Vila Verde, attending vocational courses at the school headquarters and its delegation of Amares, in the school year 2011/2012, 2nd year (11th grade) and 3rd year (12th grade). The research questions which we intend to answer are: 1 - How do students live with multiculturalism? 2 - Are there or not differences in academic performance between multicultural students? 3 - What are the factors that influence academic performance of multicultural young people in Vocational Education? 4 - What perceptions and representations do the school principals and the SPO have on multiculturalism and academic performance in Vocational Education? 5 - How and to what extent is there a correspondence between representations and practice? 6 - What strategies can be implemented to improve the academic performance of Vocational Education? As techniques and tools for data collection and production were privileged semi structured and in-depth interviews, direct and participant observation in logbook and document collection. Content analysis of the interviews and of all documents and records produced was the analysis and interpretation technique chosen. The results allow us to conclude that the multiculturalism in EPATV is advantageous by the cultural sharing it enables and that, in this case, the Mozambican students of this school had better educational outcomes when compared with Portuguese students.
Date of Award2013
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorLuísa Orvalho (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação

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