Necessidade de execução de tratamentos de saúde oral em idosos institucionalizados

  • Ricardo José da Silva Cardoso (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Introduction: the impact of the absence of oral health is profound when related with Quality of Life. In the elderly, the most common manifestations are root decay, dry-mouth, soft tissue injuries, periodontal disease, tooth loss, abrasion / erosion on tooth, halitosis, difficulty chewing and swallowing, some of them associated with polypharmacy and systemic diseases, which will influence the difficulty of oral hygiene, the need for prostheses and a growing dependence on third parties. Objectives: verify the prevalence of need for oral treatment among institutionalized elderly and verify the effectiveness of oral care by geriatric aides. Methods: it has been conducted a cross-sectional study, based on two random samples - institutionalized elderly in Viseu and employees of the same institution. In the elderly, it has been collected sociodemographic and economic information, pharmacological and clinical settings, oral condition (CPO Index) and oral hygiene, degree of autonomy (Barthel Index), nutritional status with the MNA®, self-perception health test(SF-36v2 ™) and the relationship between oral health and quality of life with the OHIP-14 test; and at the end enumerated the needs of dental treatments. In employees, beyond the demographic data, it has been measured their oral condition with the OHAT and their attitude and promotion of oral care for the home users as a caregiver. Results: mostly female sample, average age of 79.6 years, mostly widowed or single; medication especially associated with the cardiovascular and central nervous systems disease’s; high edentulism; low levels of halitosis, some self-perception of dry mouth (42.8%), difficulty in chewing hard food; most of the sample with lack of hygiene habits and dental consultation, the main reason referred to prostheses; reduced number of functionally independent (16.9%); balanced values of body mass index and the presence of risk of malnutrition for 50.7% of the sample; discomfort due to frequent oral feeding problems; 23.6% reported poor health and 2.9% stronger body aches; 79% require implementing oral care, in which prosthetic (78.8%), extractions (12.4%), dentistry (24.8%) and periodontology (10.6%). Employees, the majority assumes that the institution promotes oral hygiene, that dentures are clean, that the elderly have good oral health. Conclusions: There is high need for intervention in the oral health of institutionalized elderly, although this is not reflected directly in Quality of Life, except for nourishing; and caregivers mostly demonstrated assertiveness in oral care for residents.
Date of Award5 Sept 2014
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorCláudia Ribeiro (Supervisor) & Nélio Jorge Veiga (Co-Supervisor)


  • Elderly
  • Institutionalized
  • Oral health
  • Oral cavity care


  • Mestrado em Medicina Dentária

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