Necessidade de informação: a perspetiva do enfermeiro e família da pessoa em situação crítica

Translated title of the thesis: Information needs of the family in the critically ill person
  • Cláudia Maria Morgado Sousa (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The following report is, within the scope of the Master's Degree in Nursing with Specialization in Medical-Surgical Nursing in the Area of Nursing for Critically Ill Person and aims to describe and analyze in a critically and reflectively way the path developed and the skills acquired in the course of internships, as well as its relevance in the performance of functions as a Specialist Nurse. This formative path was developed in two specific contexts: Medical Vehicle of Emergency and Resuscitation, and the Intensive Care Unit which, together with previous skills held as a general care nurse, aimed the development of knowledge and scientific, technical, ethical, and relational skills in specialized care in medical-surgical nursing for critically ill person and their families. In order to improve the care provided and contribute to build knowledge, and based on the chosen which concerns the person in a critical ill and the need for information from the family, we have conducted a Systematic Literature Review, entitled “Information Needs of the Family in the Critically Ill Person”. As a result of this review, it was possible to systematize these needs, and underline the importance of the Specialist Nurse role. The hospitalization of a critically ill person affect the family as an interacting system, generating feelings of anxiety, fear and stress. Due to the constant presence with the critically ill person and the relationship established with their families, the nurse is the professional who most stands out to assess the family's information needs and intervene, with the purpose of favoring the transition and adaptation process, as well as minimizing damage to family dynamics. The specialist nurse plays a key role in the field of intervention with the family and as a change agent, namely in the creation of protocols and their monitoring through records, as well as in raising awareness to the professionals who provide nursing care in the context of critical care, aiming at a care of excellence. This Report seeks to demonstrate the process of developing competencies of a specialist nurse in medical-surgical nursing and a master in an involvement with scientific evidence.
Date of Award1 Jun 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorManuela Madureira (Supervisor)


  • Specialized nursing
  • Information needs
  • Family
  • Critically ill person
  • Critical care


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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