NEXX Helmets
: keeping up with international demand

  • João Bernardo Nolasco Amaral Gomes Cruz (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This master thesis is divided into three main parts: case-study, literature review and teaching notes. With the aim of provide a real business case to be used for class discussion in a strategic/internationalization based courses, where students can apply strategic frameworks and their knowledge. NEXX was founded in 2001; the period until 2014 was of constant growth, with increasing sales, employees and factory space. In order to leverage some strength diversification and differentiation strategies were applied. The growth has been constrained by different factors: physical limit of production or lack of funding and bank support. The use of contract manufacturing, and factory expansion were adopted to handle production. The main guidelines for the brand have been: differentiation and searching for other markets. By the end of 2014 NEXX was present in more than fifty countries. The initial intent was to fulfill a gap in the international market with a clear vision of quality, well designed, and well-priced helmets. When this goal was achieved, more than just being among the best, the company wanted to be among the five industry leaders before the year 2020. How growth should be managed and strategy should be suited to achieve the desired position are some of the most significant challenges. The second part of this master thesis – literature review – contains the most relevant theory to interpret and analyze the case-study, answering the assigned question present on the last section. This last content – teaching notes – aims to provide guidance but also possible solutions for the questions.
Date of Award2015
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorNuno Cardeal (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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