Nichos oclusais em prótese parcial removível
: serão mais suscetíveis a cárie dentária?

  • Ana Lúcia Fernandes Paula (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Introduction: the removable partial denture is one of the solutions to rehabilitate theoral cavity from partially edentulous patients. In the pre-prosthetic stage, the rest seat isprepared in the surface of the abutment tooth, which will allow the adaptation of theocclusal rest for a correct support of the denture. The implementation of the rest seat isthough considered, by many professionals, as an iatrogenic, leading to caries lesions.Objectives: to evaluate the prevalence of dental caries in rest seats of abutments teethfrom partial removable dentures. To check whether there is a relationship between theprosthetic rest seats, caries in the abutment and non-abutment teeth, plaque index andprematurity or interference in the occlusal rest. To determine if there is a significantdifference between the presence of dental caries in rest seat in comparison with otherhomologous/antagonists teeth in the oral cavity.Material and methods: the patients, who were placed in skeletal removable partialdentures at University Clinic of Catholic University-Viseu between 2010 and 2013,were contacted to make a control visit. Data regarding the oral cavity and the prosthesiswere collected and recorded in a specifically prepared protocol. Statistical analysis wasperformed by using the t test Student, Pearson correlation coefficient and Fisher(p<0.05).Results: the accession rate was 35.6%. The average age of the 53 analyzed patients was60 years old. About 62.3% of the evaluated patients had bi-maxillary rehabilitation.The plaque index of the abutment teeth (1,49) is bigger when compared to the nonabutmentteeth (1,31). From the 255 rest seat evaluated, 23 had dental caries. It wasfound that there was a significant relationship between the rest seat and the number ofdental caries. There was no association between caries in rest seats, the plaque index onabutment teeth, prematurity/interference in the support, dentition status of abutmentteeth as well as in the caries parameter of non-abutment teeth.Conclusion: within the constraints of this study it can be concluded that prosthetic restseats do not have more dental caries lesions that the remaining teeth of oral cavity.However, the bigger the number of rest seats of a rehabilitation, the bigger thepossibility of occurring caries lesions.
Date of Award2014
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAndré Correia (Supervisor)


  • Removable partial denture
  • Occlusal rest
  • Rest seat
  • Dental caries
  • Oral hygiene


  • Mestrado em Medicina Dentária

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