O arco
: contributos didáticos ao ensino do violino

  • Ana Catarina Lopes Pinto (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


“The technique is not the goal itself, but only a mean to achieve it. It is not only essential, but also paramount to our core - Interpretative practices” (Salles, 1998, p18) After careful analysis of the existent literature about the right hand bow technique, it became clear that this was one of the biggest challenges for violinists and violin teachers. In order to understand requirements for this matter in my educational reality in a most specific manner (Viana do Castelo's Professional Music School and Viana do Castelo's Music Academy) was conducted a empiric research that became a qualitative research. There were involved 41 students and 9 teachers in this case study. The study has made the lack of information about this specific subject, it was clear on both the teachers and the students. Also find out that teachers and students feel the learning and teaching of the use of the right hand is much harder than the left one, and none of them showed a specific solution for the multiple problems on this matter. In the end of this study, 100% of the students and 78% of the teacher’s showed interest and need to have a method to help them on this matter, in Portuguese at the disposal of students and teachers and that fulfills the student’s needs. “The Bow – An Educational Contribute to the Teaching of the Violin” its the name of the method that was here created, which primary goal is to help on the study of the right hand and to contribute for the improvement of the teaching of the violin both in the Professional Music School and the Academy of Viana do Castelo. This method is the product of a very deep and thorough reflection and anthology over the main issues and authors of this matter, and it its mostly something around: the value of warming up and cooling off for and after the good practice of the violin; the value of the bow technique in the training of the violinist; the different parts of the bow; the choosing of the size of the bow; the main tips on the preservation of the bow; the bow grip and the function of each finger; the production of sound; the importance of the right hand to obtain different sounds; the responsibility of the technique of the bow on the execution of different dynamics; the difference between bow stokes and bowings; and the different bow strokes based on the pedagogue and violist Carl Flesh. It is expected that the “The Bow – An Educational Contribute to the Teaching of the Violin” represents an initial response to students' needs in my particular context, and can also serve as inspiration to conduct other studies to a regional or national level. It also aspires to create the present method, other teachers, also the desire to create new pedagogical methods, focused on the violin technique and about the real needs of students.
Date of Award2015
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorSofia Serra (Supervisor)


  • Violin teaching
  • Warm-up exercises
  • Stretching
  • Method
  • Bow


  • Mestrado em Ensino de Música

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