O autoconceito e a decisão vocacional dos alunos do 9.º ano de escolaridade

  • Márcia Regina Pinto Silva Azevedo (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The objectives of this study are: to explore the relationship between self-concept and vocational decision of the ninth grade students as well as the change of self-concept and vocational decision on the basis of the following variables: gender, parents’ socio-professional and sociocultural level, their participation in vocational orientation sessions and whether they have or haven’t got elder brothers. In order to gather evidence for achieving this research, 357 individuals attending the ninth grade at school were evaluated. It was used the administration of assisted Sociodemographic Questionnaire developed for this purpose, the "Self Description Questionnaire II" (Marsh, 1988 adapted by Fontaine, 1991b), to evaluate the self-concept as well as"Career Decision Scale" (Osipow et al., 1979 adapted by Taveira, 1997), to evaluate de vocational decision. It was found that the higher the self-concept on students is, the more determined they are as far as the course of the tenth grade that has to be followed is concerned. There were differences in self-concept regarding parents’ gender, socio-professional and sociocultural level and their participation in vocational orientation sessions. However, no differences were found according to the presence of elder siblings. Concerning the vocational decision, contradicting, once again, the literature studied on the subject, there were no differences related to socio-professional level and in the level of participation in occupational and vocational orientation sessions. Still, considering gender and the presence of elder siblings, the results were according to the literature. Taking the results of this study into account, it can be said, given the relationship between self-concept and vocational decision, that we should continue to promote the self-concept and vocational conscious decision, within the context of career guidance sessions, to the ninth grade students.
Date of Award30 Jan 2013
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorÂngela Azevedo (Supervisor)


  • Self-concept
  • Vocational decision
  • Career indecision


  • Mestrado em Psicologia

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