This report comes within the scope of the study plan of the 15th Master's Degree in Nursing with specialization in Medical-Surgical Nursing (MEEMC) in Institute of Health Sciences at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, (UCP), in the aspect of the person in critical situation. This report pursues to reflect on the path taken throughout the internships, through a descriptive, critical and reflective analysis of the practice. The internships carried out are part of the Curricular Unit “Estágio Final e Relatório” and provided varied experiences and learning. They took place in an Intensive Care Unit and in a Local Coordination Group of the Program for Prevention and Control of Infection and Resistance to Antimicrobials in hospitals in the city of Porto. The objective that guided the entire journey, in the different internship contexts, was to develop specialized skills in providing nursing care to people in critical situations and their families. I believe that I was able to understand and integrate the dynamics of care provided to the sick person in the various contexts that I went through; and deepened knowledge about clinical situations, techniques, drugs and interventions.
Date of Award | 24 May 2023 |
Original language | Portuguese |
Awarding Institution | - Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Supervisor | Vasco Silva-Neves (Supervisor) |
- Nursing
- Specialist nurse
- Critical patient
O contributo de um enfermeiro na construção da qualidade e segurança dos cuidados
Lima, D. S. D. C. R. D. (Student). 24 May 2023
Student thesis: Master's Thesis