O contributo do domínio psicomotor para as aprendizagens iniciais da leitura e escrita

  • Joana Filipa Lopes Fidalgo dos Santos (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Reading and writing require previous skills. Some children have difficulties in reading and writing throughout their development and schooling. This is a study on the importance of the psychomotor domain for these initial learnings, intend to demonstrate aspects that may arise at the level of previous skills aimed difficulties or facilities this process. Psychomotricity is an education of the thought through the movement and on this direction, if the learning is exploited in order to provide psychomotor experience, will have more meaning and are better learned and apprehended, given that many of the difficulties presented by children arise at the level of previous skills, which constituted the structure of psychomotor education. Thus, preschool education, which collaborates on global and harmonious development of children, consolidates these essential skills for school student's life. Based on research of mixed type, aiming to relate the factors with psychomotor skills for reading and writing, we found that this learning is facilitated by the psychomotor domain in conjunction with other skills and thus it becomes important that parents, teachers and special education technicians, who deal with children in this transition phase for the first cycle, be alert, know and understand the importance of maturation and consolidation of previous skills.
Date of Award13 Feb 2015
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorCélia dos Prazeres Ribeiro (Supervisor)


  • Psychomotricity
  • Psychomotor skills
  • Development
  • Learning
  • Learning difficulties
  • Reading and writing


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação

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