O crime de escravidão

  • José Vasco Cerqueira Malho (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Slavery as a social and morally accepted and juridically lawful reality, it’s legal abolition in Portugal, and in all the habitually called Western society, but as a phenomenon that lasts in time, boosted at present by the world economic crisis, by the in equalities of development between countries and regions and consequent migrations. The ensuing emergence of new forms of slavery, the international norms that emerged at the beginning of the twentieth century that predict and criminalize it, and the Portuguese Penal legislation that punishes slavery, from it´s legal abolition to the present Penal Code. The property protected by the crime of slavery and by some crimes foreseen in the Portuguese Penal Code that protect the legal freedom of man, such as kidnapping, kidnapping and trafficking in persons and pandering, despite disagreeing with the prevailing Doctrine and Case Law that this is the legal right protected by this criminal offense. The objective and subjective elements of the crimes referred to, the title of imputability of the crime of slavery to the agente, the difficulty of distinguishing it from the crime of trafficking in persons and the cumulation of offenses between these two crimes. The crime of slavery in the current Case Law of the special jurisdiction apellate court, the need to maintain it’s incrimination, and criminal aggravation of punishment due to the special characteristics of the victim.
Date of Award24 Jan 2018
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorMaria da Conceição Cunha (Supervisor)


  • Slavery
  • Property protected
  • Trafficking in persons
  • Cumulation of offenses
  • Criminal aggravation


  • Mestrado em Direito

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