O cristão e o esotero-ocultismo
: reflexão pastoral sobre a magia, bruxaria e práticas supersticiosas

  • Rui Filipe Marques Araújo (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The present investigation has as its primary goal to explore the relation and conflict between Christians and the ocult, mainly reflected in witchcraft. By putting such subject under the microscope, we have been able to approach some structural concepts, which we have paralleled with their theological counterparts, from the Scriptures, from the Fathers of Church, from the general social observation throughout the history of the Christian Church and, finally, from the impact of witchcraft in the Christians of the diocese of Braga, as a study case. This path has enabled not only the comprehension of the causes that impel Christians to, consciously or inconsciously, deny the Lordship of God, looking for answers in the occultism, but also an understanding of the attitudes Church must undertake in terms of her pastoral to further a decrease of the phenomenon. Nevertheless, this investigation has not intended to exhaust this subject, but to raise awareness for further research and, eventually, a paradigm shift in the life of the pastoral agents of Church.
Date of Award5 Jan 2017
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJosé Paulo Leite de Abreu (Supervisor)


  • God
  • Man
  • Esotericism
  • Occultism
  • Esotero-occultism
  • Occult
  • Magic
  • Wicthcraft
  • Symbol
  • Ritual
  • Religion
  • Superstition
  • History of Church
  • Pastoral
  • Diocese of Braga


  • Mestrado em Teologia

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