O cuidado à pessoa em situação crítica
: garante de competências especializadas e diferenciadoras

Translated title of the thesis: Caring for the critically ill: ensuring specialized and differentiating skills
  • Denise Sequeira Baltazar Farinha (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This paper is part of the Curricular Unit "Final Internship and Report", included in the study plan of the 13th Master's Degree Course in Nursing with a specialization in Medical-Surgical Nursing: in the area of Critical Care Nursing and intends to be the reflection of the journey undertaken where, through critical and reflective analysis, we aim to describe the activities carried out and the experiences lived in an emergency and intensive care unit context, which were subsidiary to the development of instrumental and theoretical specialized skills and the achievement of the objectives outlined for these two contexts, seeking areas of student interest. This formative journey also includes, the elaboration of a research work, focus of this report that concurred to the master competences, entitled "Effects of Temperature Control in Patients After Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation". In the emergency operating room I developed skills in the different functional areas of the perioperative nurse, where I also had the opportunity to share my knowledge in the multidisciplinary team and contribute to the development of a guidance document on the internal protocol for the preparation of biological samples to be sent to pathology. The purpose of this document was to streamline this process, reducing the probability of doubt and even error in its preparation, thus contributing to the promotion of a safe and quality nursing care environment. During my internship in intensive care settings, I developed skills in caring for critically ill patients and their families and, within the scope of the new coronavirus infection (SARS-CoV-2), which developed into the disease COVID-19, a guideline document was developed for all ICU professionals caring for patients suspected or confirmed with COVID-19. The purpose of this guideline document was infection prevention and control in the Healthcare System, namely in this unit, where many invasive acts are performed. The internships allowed me to understand how the competencies of a master and specialist nurse can be applied in daily practice, which were developed both by observing the clinical supervisors' interventions in different areas and scopes, and by the activities carried out that were subsidiary to the achievement of the objectives I had set myself in a positive synergism mobilized for my professional context.
Date of Award27 Jul 2021
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorManuela Madureira (Supervisor)


  • Advanced nursing
  • Skills
  • Critically ill person
  • Care and targeted temperature management


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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