O desenvolvimento de competências de especialista e mestre no cuidado à pessoa em situação crítica

Translated title of the thesis: The development of specialist and master competencies in caring for the person in critical condition
  • Ana Cristina de Jesus Castro (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This report documents the journey taken to acquire competencies in the Master's in Nursing program with a specialization in Medical-Surgical Nursing, specifically focusing on Critical Care Nursing during an internship at the Polyvalent Intensive Care Unit and the Nephrology Service in a hospital in the Northern region of Portugal. Throughout the internship period, my objective was to acquire specialized competencies and knowledge to deliver high-quality care. This document adheres to the common competency domains of the Specialist Nurse, detailing the activities and experiences that facilitated the acquisition of skills in Critical Care Nursing. In cultivating specialized competencies for caring for critically ill patients, I conducted literature reviews on Nurse/Family communication in critical care contexts to enhance communication strategies in the Intensive Care Unit. Within the Nephrology Service, with a focus on quality and safety of care, I conducted a comprehensive literature review on the use of Urokinase therapy in treating Central Venous Catheter dysfunction. Furthermore, I conducted research on nursing interventions for controlling and preventing central venous catheter infections in hemodialysis patients and updated a procedural instruction for initiating hemodialysis treatment for patients with central catheters in the extracorporeal circuit. Given the presence of patients with renal disease in both internship settings, I conducted a literature search on nursing interventions for patients with renal disease requiring renal function replacement techniques. During this internship experience, I provided specialized care, demonstrating ethical and legal professional practice in continuous quality improvement programs, infection prevention and control, management of antimicrobial resistance, resource management, and professional development.
Date of Award18 Jun 2024
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorVasco Silva-Neves (Supervisor)


  • Nursing
  • Specialist care
  • Renal disease
  • Nursing care


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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