O despertar da pessoa em situação crítica sob ventilação mecânica invasiva

Translated title of the thesis: The awakening of the person in critical situation under invasive mechanical ventilation
  • Jéssica Alexandra Dias Guêtas (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This Internship report aims to demonstrate my journey through the Master's Course in Nursing, with a Specialization in Medical-Surgical Nursing, in the area of Nursing for the Person in Critical Situation. Its objective is to communicate the results of clinical learning and research carried out along the way, through critical and reasoned reflection of situations that I have experienced that show the acquisition and development of common and specific skills of the Specialist Nurse. During my journey, I came across a problem situation, which consisted of the lack of knowledge of the nursing teams regarding non-pharmacological interventions in the awakening of the person under invasive mechanical ventilation. In view of this, I considered it pertinent to carry out a Systematic Review of the Evidence of Efficacy Literature in order to identify, in the scientific literature, studies of an experimental nature with non-pharmacological interventions in the awakening of the person in a critical situation under invasive mechanical ventilation and their effectiveness. This review was carried out according to the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology and 8 studies were selected that identified music therapy, nature-based sound listening, aromatherapy, communication based on positive suggestions and acupressure therapy as effective non-pharmacological interventions in awakening. critically ill person under invasive mechanical ventilation. The identification of the problem led to the need to base and reflect on my way of acting, so during this journey I supported my thinking in Nursing on the middle-range theory of Katharine Kolcaba, that is, on the Theory of Comfort. The internship included in this report was divided into two contexts, the first took place in a General Multipurpose Emergency Service of a Central Hospital and the second took place in an Intensive Care Unit of another Central Hospital where I experienced different situations that led to the development of skills. of Specialist Nurses, however I chose only a few that I will exemplify throughout the report to justify the acquisition of competences. Throughout these contexts, I had the opportunity to contribute to the improvement of its quality and I prepared the protocol and the respective Systematic Review of the Literature of evidence of effectiveness, as well as a scientific poster that was released at the IV International Seminar of the Master in Nursing. Therefore, this report allowed the acquisition and development of common and specific skills of the Specialist Nurse, as well as the dissemination of the results of the research I carried out along this path.
Date of Award7 Nov 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorFilipa Veludo (Supervisor)


  • Critical care
  • Awakening
  • Nursing
  • Specialist nurse
  • Mechanical ventilation


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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