O e-commerce à luz do direito
: análise do regulamento geral da proteção de dados : a uniformização na União Europeia

  • Marta Laís dos Santos Alegria Couto (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This work will primarily aim to develop the theme of the E - Commerce seen in the perspective of law. Thus, leaning in our days i decided, in accordance with the opinion of my advisor, Prof. Manuel Oehen Mendes, specify this vast subject and, since recently emerged the new General Regulation of the European Union Data Protection, we believe it would be interesting to analyze it and draw some conclusions. As discussed later, each Member - State of the European Union had already drafted some laws and directives to regulate matters relating to e - commerce but in order to create uniform rules within the European Union, was then prepared a single Regulation to handle with this matter in a global context. Thus, we decided then to gird the subject of this thesis to the issue of data protection, and, as there has been a very significant increase in relation to the use of E - commerce, the need to ensure that all data which are made available to "online institutions" are protected and that the personal information of each user is in fact safe.
Date of Award11 Jan 2017
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorManuel Filipe Oehen Mendes (Supervisor)


  • E-commerce
  • Right
  • Data protection
  • General rules of data protection of European Union


  • Mestrado em Direito

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