O impacto do e-commerce no sistema da distribuição do turismo em Cabo Verde

  • Maria Jesus Gomes Barreto (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The major changes in the tourism sector recorded in recent years were determined by the evolution of ICT, providing great transformations between organizations, suppliers and customers. This evolution has affected the business world, creating great opportunities. To this end, contributed three important innovations: Computer Reservation System (CRS), Global Distribution System (GDS) and the Internet. Shanker (2008) According to CPLP site data (2016), tourism is one of the sectors most dynamic economic and social growth, because it contributes to the inflow of foreign exchange, as well as the promotion of employment. In the case of Cape Verde, tourism is one of the mainstays of economic development of the country. The purpose of this research, considering the most dynamic of the tourism sector in Cape Verde, is to explore how the appearance of Cape Verde in offers from major aggregators such as “Booking”, "E-Dreams" and "Travelcity" influenced the system distribution of tourism in Cape Verde and how does this change the tourist image of Cape Verde. Understand whether this process has brought negative impacts or positive to the country. To achieve these goals, they made 10 interviews in 60% of the Cape Verde islands with managers of major travel agencies and tour operators. Study the impact of e-commerce in the distribution system of tourism in Cape Verde is an option that gave really like to work with the natural pupil of Cape Verde, and on the other hand, given the current importance of this sector of activity in the archipelago. With the development of e-commerce in the travel distribution sector, there is a better use of available technology, the increasingly lower costs, increased commercial competition for new customers. According to Marín (2004), with less than two hundred years of history, travel distribution has undergone constant change, making the sector evolve amazing way. The changes do not end soon and the distribution still lie in the maturation process, therefore, an unsafe activity. The results indicated that the greatest difficulties in terms of distribution is the fact that there is a lot of competition from major international operators, the results also indicate that the limited use of computers, e-mails, and other online services by customers is a distribution problem, why not get inside the news and promotions agency.
Date of Award12 Oct 2016
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorEmese Panyik (Supervisor)


  • Tourism
  • Cape Verde
  • Distribution


  • Mestrado em Formação e Comunicação Multimédia

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