O impacto do futebol na alteração de comportamentos sociais
: o caso da Dream Football

  • Miguel Pires Prazeres (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This work, developed under the Master’s Degree in Marketing, in the form of a dissertation, seeks to study and demonstrate the impact of football on society. As such, it focuses on both a perspective of social responsibility, as a way of promotion of social integration and equality of opportunities, and one of positive influence of well-accepted social behaviors. In this sense, the work relies on the Dream Football case study, with the objective of describing and assessing its strategic definition and application process, establishing a relationship with the theoretical model of development of a social marketing strategy, and the practical application of the organization projects. As the main knowledge area of the investigation we have the concept of social marketing, described as “the application of concepts and tools of commercial marketing, as a method of behavioral influence of a target or audience, in order to optimize their well-being and, consequently, of the society which they are part of” (Andreasen, 2011). The literature was reviewed in order to provide a theoretical evolution of the social marketing theme, to position it according to the commercial marketing discipline, to define it according to his value proposition, and to build a model of analysis capable of describing and assessing its applicability. The Dream Football’s social project arises as a way of promoting a social marketing strategy in two fundamental fields. Firstly in its digital offer, allowing equality of opportunities to the disadvantaged children in showing their sporting talents to the world. Secondly in its physical offer, with the creation of sporting events in areas with social problems. The methodology inherent to the investigation focuses on the case study research, characterized by “the empirical study of contemporary phenomena in real-life social contexts, when the boundaries between them are not well defined” (Yin, 1994). Finally, the evaluation of the social projects developed by the organization studied was also proposed, giving attention to its action in the Brazilian communities: namely in the communities of Vidigal, Mangueira and Salgueiro. These social actions will be analyzed according to the model of the 8 P’s of Social Marketing, giving space to the development of critical questions that will allow the assessment of the performance of those social actions, followed by a subsequent discussion of the results obtained, as well as future suggestions. The objective of this analysis being to point out positive and negative practices in the organization, allowing the reflection on how to improve its performance and strategic efficiency.
Date of Award15 Nov 2013
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorSusana Silva (Supervisor)


  • Social marketing
  • Case-study research
  • Dream football
  • Social marketing strategy


  • Mestrado em Marketing

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