O impacto do sistema de gestão da qualidade do ISS, I.P.
: abordagem segundo a perspetiva dos Diretores Técnicos na Estrutura Residencial para Idosos no Distrito de Viseu

  • Maria Helena Guerra (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


In the last decade, Portugal has experienced dramatic and accelerating changesresulting from the increasing demanding globalization process, which relies on both national and transnational areas. This situation has created new initiatives in the social organization sphere, namely the quality requirement concerning their services and the forced satisfaction of the well-informed customers.
It is in this context that emerges the Quality Management System (QMS) of the Social Security Institute (SSI), usually named as "Social Security Quality Manuals". This system emerged in order to improve the Social Responses (SR) performance, including Residential Structures for the Elderly (Nursing Homes), which compose this research sample. Therefore, we aim to develop a better understanding of this QMS and its impact, believing to be an asset to all the SR which are willing to know different conceptions so as to improve their service quality.
The research focuses on a sample regarding 61 SR and it is based on the descriptive quantitative method, using the questionnaire for the collection and data analysis.
The statistics show that the Organization Technical Management is represented mostly by females (93,44%) with adequate training. These organizations are primarily non-profit (80,33%) and also offer other services targeted to seniors like the Home Support Service (65,67%) and the Day Centre (45,90%). The QMS is generally known (91,80%), existing only 3 certified Organizations (4,92%). However, it is noted that 28 are implementing the system (45,90%). Finally, 25 indicated that do not have the system implemented (40,98%).
It was also possible to conclude that despite most of the results expected from the QMS SSI implementation meet its goals, there is a very high percentage related to the implementing difficulties (97,22%). The mentioned suggestions indicate an employee training improvement and an adequacy of each Organization reality.
Date of Award2013
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorCélia Ribeiro (Supervisor)


  • : Residential Structures for the Elderly
  • Organizations
  • Social Responses
  • The Quality Management System of the Social Security Institute
  • Quality


  • Mestrado em Serviço Social

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