O impacto do vídeo no ensino do francês língua estrangeira

  • Paulo Rui Martins da Silva (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The exploration of the information technologies in the classroom, especially in language teaching, has a very positive acceptance but it still needs to be studied in what the identification of dimensions and factors which help the efficiency and pedagogical effectiveness are concerned. The present study is a qualitative investigation as a study case, that has as aim to ascertain the impact provided by the use of video during the teaching of French Foreign Language in order to check students reactions and attitudes during their interaction with this instruments in the classroom and discover the contribution of the video for the teaching and learning process. The pedagogical dynamics of use of video in research was not only used on the classic way, with the preview of audio-visual documents, but it envolved particularly the participants in the creation of videos through the edition with appropriate software of animated and synchronized images with text and voice. We tried to confirm the possibilities offered by the use of the Web 2.0 on a learning context and the different tools at its disposal, with particular attention to the YouTube, Facebook and Xtranormal services. We identified vehicles of data collection, to recognize the subjective importance, on this context, of the success factors of the technologies use, in the classroom, concerning the teaching of a foreign language. After the analysis of the collected datum, it was evident that students acquired a stronger consciousness of the potentialities of the video and Web 2.0 tools use on the teaching and learning process and we do recognize that the usage of these tools allowed a motivation and participation increase, on the subject, as well as in the development of oral and written skills. We experienced that the video is an option as a technologic resource suitable and beneficial in the teaching of a foreign language, as along as it is used on an appropriate way, with the right planning of activities and strategies to be applied, conjugated with other media and educational resources.
Date of Award19 Dec 2011
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAntónio Andrade (Supervisor)


  • Second language learning
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Motivation
  • Learning
  • Vídeo
  • Web 2.0


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação

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