O lugar das estórias nas organizações? Projeto para a aplicação de storytelling na comunicação interna a partir da avaliação de um modelo de conversação organizacional

  • Ana Rita Limpo Franco Gil (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The aim of this research is to reflect on the use of stories in organizations and to define a plan to use storytelling in internal communications practices, starting with a critical evaluation on a specific organizational conversation model. Firstly, we have identified four main observations to approach the field of organizational stories and we have also clarified the relevance of using stories in internal communications practices. We approach the subject on the interpretivist perspective and we based our study on a reflection of the essence of human communications according to: a narrative paradigm that defines human beings as homo narrans, and a quest of significance that posits human condition as a homo significans. Based on this conceptual framework we look to organizations as a storytelling system or process, which means reading organization through its stories on leadership, on changing, on creating and disseminating culture and identity and on managing knowledge and experience. The fieldwork has consisted on the evaluation of an organizational conversation model based on the world café technique and also on qualitative interviews with Communications and Human Resources employees of Portugal Telecom. Through this fieldwork, we have defined a proper project of storyusing in three organizational spheres (micro, meso and macro storytelling) to: create a spirit of permanent adaptation, disseminate knowledge and experience, inspire by creating empathy and promoting examples, and translate the organizational essence.
Date of Award15 Apr 2015
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorPatrícia Dias (Supervisor)


  • Storytelling
  • World café
  • Internal communications
  • Organizational stories
  • Sensemaking
  • Coordinated management of meaning


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação

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