O marketing digital na escolha de programas televisivos de entretenimento
: o caso de Casados à Primeira Vista

  • Mariana da Silva Perdigão Esteves (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Digitalization has contributed to the fragmentation of audiences among various media. This situation results in competition among the various media, which struggle to capture and impact the audience. Given that today, digital is present in all consumer actions, traditional media such as television have allied themselves with digital technologies and social networking sites to meet this demand. In this way TV entertainment was forced to adapt to digital. The search for entertainment has always been a common desire of society and that is why the big entertainment industries have evolved. Today the media channels are the suppliers of production and distribution of entertainment, occupying the entertainment in the media a prominent place in contemporary life. Reality TV is a category that includes a wide range of entertainment programs about real people. Some people criticize reality shows for considering them low brow programs, which generalize a culture of exhibitionism, while others think that reality TV produces more realistic content in prime time and less expensive. Reality shows have changed since their beginning and have also adapted to digital transformations and productions in a certain way.This dissertation seeks to understand how digital marketing initiatives are reflected in the consumers’ choice of entertainment television programs. The program chosen for the analysis is Married at the first sight. For this, the research strategy of mixed methods was used. The study concluded that there is a great preference for traditional television and television commercials, to the detriment of online television and online advertising. However, some discrepancies were found regarding the point of view of the different agents in the phenomenon. Consumers have a clear preference for traditional television as the main means of watching and having knowledge about entertainment programs, such as Married at the first sight, which is not in accordance with the opinion of the program's brand management, which presents social networks and digital as being a crucial and engaging part. This has not been the case for the consumer.
Date of Award19 Feb 2021
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAna Jorge (Supervisor)


  • Digital marketing
  • Social networking sites
  • Television
  • Entertainment


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação

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