O papel da comunicação interna na motivação de colaboradores no tempo da pandemia Covid-19
: estudo de caso Sonae Sierra : Lisboa

  • Margarida Tavares Xavier de Pinho e Silva (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


With the emergence of the Covid-19 virus and the onset of a global public health crisis in 2020, the world as we knew it has changed. Organisations, in turn, have undergone unprecedented change: the ways of working have changed, organisational strategies have changed, the well-being of employees has changed, and, above all, the way of communicating has changed. In this unprecedented context, Internal Communication has become indispensable to the management of Organisations, focusing on the human dimension - their employees, their alignment and the respective enhancement of their motivation. Internal Communication becomes the weapon of the Organisations in an attempt to get all the necessary information and boost the proximity between employees and the Organisation, at a time when distance reigned. This triangle- Pandemic Covid-19, Motivation and Communication - with its centre in Organisations, represents an important object of study of the present Research.In this sense, Internal Communication, and its contribution to the levels of Motivation of employees has been the subject of study because the two dimensions when combined, can bring effects and very positive results to organizations being transversal to each other and being widely connected. In this way, the present Research intends to study the relevance of the role of Internal Communication in the Motivation of Sonae Sierra (Lisbon) employees, during the time of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Research was carried out using qualitative methods - through Exploratory Interviews with the Head of Human Resources and the Coordinator of Employee Engagement at Sonae Sierra - and quantitative methods for primary data - through the completion of a Questionnaire Survey among Sonae Sierra (Lisbon) employees. By analysing the perspectives of Sonae Sierra (Lisbon) employees and the views of Sonae Sierra's Internal Communication/Human Resources leaders, we observe how Internal Communication has contributed to keeping employees motivated and mobilised.
Date of Award8 Feb 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJosé Manuel Seruya (Supervisor)


  • Internal communication
  • Motivation
  • Pandemic Covid-19
  • Organisations


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Comunicação

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