O papel da conversão de suprimentos na capitalização das Sociedades por Quotas

  • Alice Maria Moreira dos Santos Ferraz de Andrade (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Nowadays, the undercapitalization phenomenon is still a constant concern. And this phenomenon may be justified considering the non-existence of an obligation to adjust the share capital to the social object (particularly in the context of Private Limited Companies) and the clear preference for foreign debt by the economic agents. Therefore, we are increasingly faced with companies whose capital structure is mainly composed by external resources and, most frequently, not suitable to face the losses arising from the corporate activity setbacks. Therefore, it is urgent to reverse the tendency of resorting to excessive debt towards a more solid, credible and suitable equity structure to pursue the corporate object. Accordingly, several solutions have been adopted, both in tax and corporate matters, in order to increase the attractiveness of equity financing for companies. One of these solutions may involve the corporate share capital increase through the Simplified Shareholder Loan Conversion Mechanism, created by Decree-Law no. 79/2017, of June 30th. Now, with this paper we aim to precisely understand the role that the conversion of shareholders' loans can carry out in the capitalization of Private Limited Companies.
Date of Award28 Sept 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorArmando Triunfante (Supervisor)


  • Undercapitalization
  • Share capital
  • Corporate financing
  • Equity
  • Debt
  • Shareholder loans
  • Share capital increase
  • Simplified mechanism
  • Conversion of shareholder loans
  • Capitalization


  • Mestrado em Direito

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