O pensamento Lean na Administração Pública Local
: um estudo de caso

  • Ana Judite Lopes Martins (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The lean thinking emerged in the industrial sector and has achieved enormous worldwide reputation, being applied in all areas of economy, ranging from private to the public sector organizations. At the Worldwide level, studies have been conducted in various public sector organizations, government and municipal councils (State of Iowa, United Kingdom, town councils in Scotland, Spain, Denmark, Australia, Brazil) that have already implemented partial or full the lean thinking. In Portugal, don’t exist studies of any attempt to implement Lean thinking on the government or municipal council except a pioneering study on the application of lean thinking in the Portuguese Court System. This study aims to identify how lean thinking can be applied in local government, what benefits and obstacles. To achievement this study, held a research of the literature review on lean thinking in services and proceeded to the documentary analysis of the structure and regulation of services, the matrices of the processes certified to ISO 9001: 2008 in order to understand the current operation of the municipal council. Interviews were conducted and key meetings with the President and was decided the object study. We carried out the diagnosis and created the map of the current state of the processes holiday request and justification of faults. The conclusions obtained evidenced that there are several factors that influence the duration and waste in processes holiday request and justification of faults in the Municipal Council of Seia, by the suggested a proposal for improvement of processes according to the lean methodology, and identifies potential opportunities for future research.
Date of Award7 May 2015
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorNuno Filipe Rosa Melão (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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