O setor cultural e criativo em Portugal
: 20 anos de desenvolvimento

  • Maria Raquel Mendes Guerra Marques Cortez (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The Cultural and Creative Sector (CCS) has been associated with economic and social development, articulating cultural, technological, economic and social aspects (FCT, 2014). The measurement of the economic and social performance of the cultural and creative sector must support the decision of which paths to choose in order to achieve a greater development (UNCTAD 2013). This study addresses some of the studies carried out worldwide: DCMS (1998), KEA (2006), OCDE (2007), UNCTAD (2008), UNCTAD (2010), WIPO (2015), KEA (2019) and in Portugal: Fundação de Serralves (2008), Mateus (2010), Mateus (2013), Mateus (2016), highlighting their goals, the methodologies followed and their limitations, as well as some of their conclusions. It is noticed that the negative effects seen in times of economic crisis were quickly overcome, which points out the dynamism of the sector. This approach to some of the published studies allows us to look at the position of the CCS in Portugal based in the data collection regarding the sector from Statistics National Institute and Eurostat on aspects such as the number of companies, employment, turnover and gross added value generated between 2012 and 2018. Comparative readings are made with the national economic evolution. Thereafter, data from EUROSTAT on international trade in cultural goods are analyzed in the same timeframe. This work also presents the survey of some measures that have been taken by different governments and institutions to minimize the pandemic’s consequences. The expectation is that this approach will allow, in the time of this pandemic, to reflect on the path taken and to select options that will guarantee the sector’s sustainability, since de CCS is at the origin of products and services that are associated with the promotion of sustainable economic growth (Fundação de Serralves, 2008).
Date of Award8 Jan 2021
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorLuís Teixeira (Supervisor)


  • Portugal
  • Development
  • Creative economy
  • Cultural and creative sector


  • Mestrado em Gestão de Indústrias Criativas

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